Social Access Illustration

How to Grant AVB Marketing Access to Social Platforms

For AVB Marketing to run your paid and/or organic social media programs on your behalf, please follow the steps outlined below. 

Facebook, Instagram, Google

Part 1

Before You Begin

  • Make sure you are the page creator/owner -OR- have Full Control access to the profiles you are sharing with AVB.
  • Make sure you know your Facebook username and password.
Leadsie GIF (1)

Leadsie Access Link

AVB Marketing uses a tool called Leadsie for hassle-free account access. Please ask your AVB rep for our direct access Leadsie link so you can begin.  

Once you have that link, simply follow the prompts. Once you are done with Leadsie, move to Part 2 to complete the process. 

Part 2

Partner Settings

Once you finish the Leadsie prompts, log into your Facebook Business Manager.  

On the left-hand side, select “Partners.” Edit AVB Marketing’s access from Admin to “Full Control.”

Select “Save.”

Click Partners

People Settings

Again on the left-hand side, select “People” > “Invite” 


Enter the email:

Select “Next.”


On the next step (“Assign Access”), choose Full Control – Everything

On the next step (“Assign Business Assets”), select your Facebook Page + Instagram Account (if you have one).  Assign Access as “Full Control

Then, click “Send Invitation.” 


Voila! You’re done. 🎉

Please let your AVB rep know when you have completed these steps.



(for organic social media only)

Before You Begin

  • Make sure you are the LinkedIn page creator or an Admin of the page. 
  • Make sure you know your LinkedIn username and password.

Step 1

Log into your LinkedIn account and navigate to your business page.


Click on the “Admin tools” dropdown in the upper right corner of the page. 


From that menu, click on “Manage Admins.”


Step 2

Click the blue button that says “+ Add admin.” 


Search for the name:  Sarah Marie Tucker

Look for the user with this profile photo and select her.


Select “Super Admin” as the access level. Then click save.

When complete, it should look like this. 


Voila! You’re done. 🎉

Please let your AVB rep know when you have completed these steps.